Above, a guardian angel sent from Florida and Lighthouses of Maine
Hallmark Cards in the Netherlands
Here's a question, What is the world's smallest country?
More cards from Kenya, Holland, India, Germany, and 2 from Hungary
Here is a Sweet turtle and card from Sophia and the Class of 2011 from Austria
More beautiful cards from Spain, Coconut Creek, FL, 16th St. Pathfinders in CA, and Wilton Manor Elementary in FL.
Mason has been spending his days playing Legos. Yesterday for the first time he decided to try the oxygen since his breathing was so rapid. He did not need it very long, but it did help. He could not stand the prongs in his nose and as soon the nurse left; he yanked it off. Nonetheless, there is oxygen in our living room. Today's burning question, "Mom when can I stop the steroids?"
Last night we decided a trip to the Mall was in store, Mason was anxious to use his Build a Bear gift card and name his bear (thanks Carlsbad , CA). He named his bear Fuzzakin. Ally and Maverick had loads of FUN, stuffing a bear too. It was wonderful, no one else was there. We had the entire store to roam around and play.
After arriving home, we finished the night laughing in hysterics, we have been reading a joke book from the UK, "A Chuckle of Kids Jokes" I thought I'd share a chuckle.
It was a cold winter's day and a man was sitting in his armchair warming himself by the fire. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the door. Reluctantly the man got up and opened the front door. There was nobody to be seen, and the snow drifted in thick and fast. The man was just about to return to the fireside, when he heard a small voice pipe up, "Excuse me, Sir!' He looked down and saw a little snail shivering on the doorstep. "Excuse me, Sir, it's so cold out here. Would you let me in so I can warm myself by the fire?" The grumpy man was annoyed at being dragged away from his fireside, and said, "Beat it", and kicked the snail out into the middle of the road.
Winter passed, and summer came. This time the grumpy man was sitting watching television, when he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and lo and behold, there was the same snail staring up from the doorstep.
The snail looked at him accusingly and said" What did you do that for?"
Hope you start and end every day with a laugh.
The Vatican is the smallest country!!!
Love you guys!
Maybe instead of the noseprongs he could try an oxygen mask?
I know it covers more of the face, but it keeps things out of your nose. I opted for one when I was little and had to nebulize every day. Plus, he can pretend to be a fighter pilot!
Or a scientist exploring the giant crystal caves of Mexico!
Look at the size of those gypsum crystals! It is very, very warm and humid, so scientists have to wear special suits that cool them and the air they breathe. Even then, they only have thirty minutes to an hour in there before they have to come back out.
- JTMD in Los Angeles
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