My heart could explode right now. It all arrived from the mail. It's indescribable the warmth it provides. It's like an enormous army that keeps growing; an incredible powerful strength. It's that last smile at the end of the day. It's the smile that everything is o.k. As Mason closed his eyes last night, he whispered, " This blanket is so warm". The smile across his face; straight from the heart. We have "warmth". Our army continues to grow. We could certainly defeat a dragon if we were guarding a castle. But there is a stronger beast knocking on our door. It is why, I struggle each night before I close my eyes; a cure for cancer beating against our door. Along this journey we have met too many angels and others fighting the same or similar battle. Our story reaching so many, so many holding on with us. You are our light in the darkness of the night. And all it takes is something simple. It's the neighbor on the next street over, posting a sign, "Hi Mason" on her back window. Mason can see it out our front window; a simple hello. It's the bundle of mail, regardless how small, it proves someone cares; someone is out there. Thanks for joining our journey and for holding on. Hold on to today and hope for tomorrow.
We are not alone. Thanks for taking the time; a simple hello
can really make a difference to someone's day. I share with you all the smiles that captured our heart's this evening.

The adorable blanket received from Utah,
Mason snuggled in it's warmth tonight. We thank you in memory of your special angel.

A hug from the Netherlands
How I got your address: Carol-Alexander-Shaun-Holly and Me

Cards from Australia, Ukraine, Germany and Sri Lanka
The Moon Man's Gift from Greenland

More cards from Germany

Greetings from Herbie and Callie Rose

A Valentine hello from Hong Kong

Washington sends a guardian angel

Winne says hello to Rex and family from across 95th St.

Guardian angels from Alaska to Mason and Maverick
And last but not least just a simple, "someone is praying for you in Missouri."