Before I was a mom; I would have never visioned the moon as a bright yellow banana. But tonight; it was so real, a giant banana floating in the sky.
I giggled inside as Ally read a bedtime story "Once upon a time there lived a Princess and after fishing, all her workers were eaten by an owl." " But, wait mom, it is not gross; the owl barfs the workers back out, and then they get the owl with an apple."
Or this afternoon as Ally gazed at the passing clouds; each cloud had a unique shape, an alligator, an umbrella, a tiny puppy dog head. But one cloud was the most beautiful one; it was a butterfly with purple wings and so many colors. It was so beautiful, yet I did not see it. But mom," look it's right there." I could not see; but I smiled because it really was there. Imagination is a gift. It is a shame that as we grow older we lose sight of so much wonder.
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