Those beautiful eyes. For those unaware, Mason's cornea donation has become a reality. Mason's gift stretching across the country, one recipient in New York and one in California.
It was heartwarming that 2 recipients spanning across the country will hopefully be able to see again. Last year alone, more than 46,000 people were in need of a transplant due to corneal disease or blindness. We pray for successful transplants in both recipients. Those beautiful eyes.
Are you a donor? If you would like to register to become a donor in honor of Mason Arik Kempf please visit Mason also donated tumor tissue for DIPG research in hopes for an ultimate goal...a CURE!!
Mason's Aunt Dale also was a fortunate receipient of 2 cornea's about 30 years ago
What a wonderful gift to give. Just more examples of how Mason and his family have given and touched so many lives in so many ways. For myself, I have been touched and blessed to be allowed to follow and be a part of this family's very emotional and personal journey. Through this I have renewed my faith in God, in People and in Life in General. They have shown me how to look at the blessing in life even in the most painful and heart wrenching moments and to notice and celebrate those little moments as well as the big moments in life. I want to say thank you to Eddie and Andrea and the rest of Mason's family for this blessing and gift.
That is amazing! What a gift from an amazing boy to such lucky families.
How wonderful that Mason lives on in such a very tangible way, too..always in our hearts but now he has given the gift of sight to two people, as well. That is just incredible. Thanks for sharing that story.
That is so nice to hear. I was already a donor, but after the celebration I came home with my bracelet, got online and double checked. What a gift to give.
Mason and his family continue to give and give! Thanks for sharing this news and reminding us how important it is to be a donor.
You continue to amaze me with your strength and caring. We all miss Mason and pray for him daily. Just as important we look forward to your very wise words you share with us here. I want you to know I am here to walk thru this next chapter with you as you learn to adjust and move the family forward without forgetting. DJ
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