Oh I could post yesterday's depressing post, but I won't. The dilemma of the heart; who wants details of the pain running havoc in our house.
Instead, I will ramble on about meaningless things, like Jack in the Box.
We stopped for our first time at this food chain in TX. Wow, I ordered the tacos, in honor of Mason. But I have to say they were the sorriest tacos this side of TX. We all laughed and laughed at these wannabe tacos. There is a picture below, I don't have one of my actual taco, so picture more grease, and one that must have sat under the heat lamp all day. It was pretty small. No shredded cheese, just a slice of American. And no meat that I can describe. What's even sadder; I was so hungry that I ate 2 of the unidentified tacos. So now we wait with small anticipation of the new Jack in the Box that is opening soon in Overland Park.

Mason would say, "That's NO TACO!!"
We are thrilled about Trader Joe's and the Bon Bon frozen yogurt that recently opened. And there really is no better way to end vacation than with 2 buck chuck, frozen yogurt and some Bo-ling's Crab Rangoon.

Let's talk school supplies. Wal-mart has school supplies on SALE. Shopping... is so therapeutic. It really helps clear the mind. As soon as the screaming baby left the store; my 30 minute therapy session began. Maybe I should have found a more quieter place to relive stress.
When I pass items I'd buy Mason, I smiled. Even an empty shelf where Chicken in the Biscuit crackers should be; I forced a smile. Memories fill my heart.
It's 5:21 a.m., and for those of you that have read the blog this is not my typical post. I am going way off the track here. I thought I'd share some laughter, but I apologize if my attitude keeps creeping in. It's hard returning from vacation, reality kind of slaps you in the face; and it stings. Now I am faced with the question, "Where do we go from here?" Because I still want to move mountains, and I can't get past the ant hills.
So we are having a heat wave, and I am not complaining. Just give me a beach and I'll shut up. Maybe I will stick my feet in Ally's sand box and have Maverick douse me with the hose. Our alarm clock can play ocean waves.
By the way,there is no way am I stopping at a business that allows two grown men to stand in costumes in 104 degree heat at 2 p.m. in the afternoon. Really? Insert laugh; they were having fun. Oh well, the world spins in crazy directions doesn't it? Maybe I am the crazy one.