Wow, what a fun day. A simple drive to the country was more than we imagined. We started the day letting the kids be our tour guides, "you tell us where you want to stop" So many things they saw out the window. And such wonderful family time. We got lost in the peaceful countryside and talked about our dream farm. Mason would have rows of blackberries and raspberries, chickens and of course a log cabin. Mom wanted a llama, Ally a Cow (one you could ride) and Maverick, MUD!!! Dad would have lots of trees and a mile long to-do list from mom. We found the biggest blackberries!! And then it was on to Five Guys for lunch. We stopped and wished Maggie a happy 1st birthday. And then on to Wellsville at Aunt Jen and Uncle Ted's for some 4-wheelin' fun and relaxing dinner!! And the adventure continues............
*This was also the day Rex became a member of our family.
* We picked up some strawberry pill glide at CVS (Thanks Rhonda) We have not tried it yet, as we are waiting for the official o.k Monday, but it sounds like it is going to be o.k. to use. :)
Those blackberries are HUGE!!!! Sounds like an incredibly awesome day!
Maggie was so happy to see everyone and says thank you for coming to her party, and for her blocks. She LOVES them! She likes the puzzle too, but just wanted to eat the pieces, so we're going to save that for a little later. :)
Drives in the country are great R&R. So glad you had such a nice day!
So glad your family enjoyed the ride in the country. We love those kinds of moments!! And you are right - those blackberries are HUGE! Wow!!
I've got my fingers crossed that you get approval and the spray makes a big difference!
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