Hello again. It's been awhile. Yesterday at 11:50 p.m another angel entered heaven, a precious girl named Harley. I've never met her, she had brain cancer too. May 1st, brain cancer awareness month. I am left speechless, and I have been lately. Here are the repeated swirls in my head ready to escape. I will not stop, my mind constantly shuffling, invisible pain buried deep, trying to turn bad into good, battling when to keep my mouth shut, watching the tidal wave creep overhead, keeping my eyes wide open for a glimpse of a rainbow.
Ally could see the colors in the sky after the brief rainstorm yesterday. She learned so much from Mason. He could see a rainbow when there was none. He knew when I needed a smile. He taught Ally laughter. Yesterday, the gray clouds hung. Ally put me back on track; "Mom, I had a dream last night I was flying with underwear on my head and eating Kit-Kats"
She keeps me on my toes, " Mom, what are patios made out of?" (as she tapped the sidewalk) and why is it different color than the street?" Concrete is such a hard subject. But her inquisitive mind made my heart burst with a smile. She lights the fire inside. As we walked hand in hand on our way to have lunch with Maverick. I am so proud of Ally and Maverick.
There will always be a fire burning inside. We all have our own dreams and goals, desires to move ahead, make a difference, and spread random acts of kindness. Life is all about keeping our eyes wide open, catching a glimpse of the rainbow ahead, and savoring Kit-Kats in the middle of the night...
Here's to Mason and Harley for teaching us those precious moments. Why so many brave little souls? God knows my anger. I pray for understanding....for unanswered prayers... from a mind running in circles.
To infinity and beyond.. |
Hope is here, we can make a difference. We will never be silent. Hope is alive in every color of the rainbow.
For the fire in our souls and the colors of the rainbow:
June 9 at the Braden's Hope Walk for Childhood Cancer
August 26- Head for the Cure 5K at Corporate Woods registration is now open you can join team Make a Difference for Mason
September 15- Run for the Tigers at the KC Zoo The 9th Annual Run