January, Oh January. You have been rough on us all. 2012 has also been a time to open up and welcome grief into our lives. That sounds weird, but grief is so tricky... It's been around for so long, but it's time to deal with it. Grief has been tangled inside; it is amazing how much we can store inside; eventually it explodes within us. I have realized; I can not read other stories or blogs or comment on others experiencing the same. Yes, I am too sensitive and have yet to properly address my own grief. I feel better admitting this, this is my first big step. The blog has helped me so much, even all the posts never posted; it is my healing, our family's steps.
We had a wonderful get-away Friday night to the Overland Park Sheraton, we finally took advantage of a gift card. The kids went with us, it was after all a Junior Suite, movies, and pool. I wouldn't want it any other way. We had a some great family time. It was a long 2.9 mile drive to the hotel in which we had just enough time to order pizza. We were very impressed and highly recommend the OP Sheraton. Its friendly service, and all its accommodations, it was a vacation...it was wonderful. We are all hibernating the rest of the weekend, as Ally's cold got the best of her and we've all had quite the week.

It is amazing how in 30 days the green latex balloon has spoke to us. Landing in various spots around the house, on Friday landing next to "You are my Sunshine" sign. Yesterday, the green balloon finally started to descend, it was floating and Ally batted it in the air and it floated around again. Later, I found it resting as a guest at the table. This morning it is resting in the same spot in the seat of the chair. A perfect spot. (I believe, Mason controlled its every move.)
As we left the doctor's office Saturday, I snapped a heart Maverick drew, inside the hand the words, "Hope, Love, Courage, and Family" Words of encouragement straight to our hearts. A family logo. Maverick painted a similar design on a plate for the Make-a-Wish
® Gala, with a green hand print and blue heart.
Today is a Wiscurzoo stuffing and sewing day in reverse order. We have not predicted any football teams Wiscurzoo style, as the Bronco and Packer Wiscurzoo failed. Smiles to everyone. Maybe there is a reason we couldn't find any 49ers, NY Giants or Patriots material.